"The Contraction of LGBT Rights in the Face of COVID-19"
The American lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community is in a medical and political crisis. Prior to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, politics and widespread discrimination lead to significant disparities in LGBT medical rights and healthcare outcomes. These pre-existing LGBT healthcare disparities have since become exacerbated by the pandemic. Often overlooked in larger discussions about LGBT people and the pandemic is a larger social problem: LGBT healthcare disparities amplified by the pandemic are set to magnify LGBT social and political inequality on a national scale. In addition, the pandemic has contracted space in public discourse and media coverage - which is needed to advance LGBT equality - creating new opportunities for exploitation to advance anti-LGBT political agendas. With the growing impact of the novel coronavirus, the LGBT community faces new threats and a contraction of critically needed resources and space in which scholars, advocates, citizens, and policy makers can discuss and effect social change. Read more in "The Contraction of LGBT Rights in the Face of COVID-19," appearing in the peer-reviewed book Social Problems in the Age of COVID-19, edited by Glenn W. Muschert, Kristen M. Budd, Michelle Christian, David C. Lane, and Jason A. Smith (Policy Press).
"Political Opportunities and the Quest for Political Recognition in Tibet, Taiwan, and Palestine"
This paper introduces a political opportunity approach to conceptualizing the political recognition of states in the international system. The usefulness of the approach is demonstrated through a comparative analysis of the historical trajectories of Tibet, Taiwan, and Palestine in their attempts to become recognized as nation-states. I argue that political opportunities, alignment of interests, timing, and external patronage created political recognition outcomes observed for entities like Tibet, Taiwan, and Palestine. Recognition outcomes took multiple forms and included opportunities for recognition as well as whether or not a state government recognized these entities as independent states. More broadly, I argue that recognition outcomes for the cases in question are shaped by a larger political structure that I describe as the 'opportunity structure for recognition.' Read more in "Political opportunities and the Quest for Political Recognition in Tibet, Taiwan, and Palestine," appearing in the International Review of Sociology.
"Native American Mobilization and the Power of Recognition"
Native American civil rights and social justice are often limited by tribal recognition. Learn more about how tribal recognition shapes and constrains Native American mobilization and collective action with DaShanne's article, "Native American Mobilization and the Power of Recognition: Theorizing the Effects of Political Acknowledgement," appearing in the American Indian Culture and Research Journal (pdf).
"Sage, Sweetgrass and the First Amendment"
Dr. Stokes' article, "Sage, Sweetgrass and the First Amendment," originally published in The Chronicle of Higher Education, was reprinted as a book chapter featured in eight volumes (2001: Pp. 61; 2002: Pp. 33; 2003: Pp. 28; 2004: Pp. 20; 2005: Pp. 40; 2006: Pp. 29; 2007: Pp. 72-73; 2008: Pp. 71-72) of The University in Your Future, a textbook published by California State University, Long Beach,edited by P. M. Lowentrout.
*Note: As noted on the TRAILS website of the American Sociological Association, “All new submissions to TRAILS undergo a two stage peer review process using public criteria based on empirically proven best practices in higher education... TRAILS provides a new form of evidence... to help schools more objectively measure excellence in teaching."
"Rule Making, Rule Breaking, and Power"
Laws have a profound and complex impact on our lives and those around us. In this assignment, students work with a fellow classmate to write a short, collaborative paper in which they will evaluate their experiences or perspectives with a law of their choosing in light of content presented in an assigned reading. Students pick a law that has had an impact on their life in and use sociological concepts and perspectives to identify power dynamics at play in the law.
"Writing Empirical Research Papers"
Writing is a common activity in academia for students and professionals alike. Here are a number of the considerations that many journal reviewers and professors have in mind when reviewing empirical manuscripts. This checklist is by no means comprehensive and is directed at helping to shape student writing activities so as to generate quality empirical research papers.
"Creating and Challenging the Status Quo"
Rules that sustain many forms of domination are typically created and imposed by the state. Laws can be used to stabilize power, especially by means of the state's bureaucratic apparatus and by means of its coercive resources for monitoring and enforcing compliance. But domination and effects of rules are never total--people have agency and can resist. In this activity the class will be challenged to find ways to both support and resist a law of the class's choosing.
"State Formation and the Challenges of Creating a New Country"
Creating a new country along with a state apparatus to run it is tricky business. But what if you were challenged to create a new country yourself? How would you do it? In this activity students are challenged to draw upon course material on state formation and the emergence of new nations and states to symbolically create new countries and states themselves, gaining greater understanding of course materials and their real world applications in the process.
"Preparing for Applied and Conceptual Exams"
This hand-out guides student activities as they go about the business of preparing for applied and conceptual multiple choice exams. It also serves as an excellent study guide for students well beyond coursework in political sociology.
"Political Sociology Syllabus"
Political Sociology is centrally concerned with political relations, policies, and practices as well as larger questions of conflict, cooperation, power, influence, and authority. Drawing on innovative methods of instruction, class discussions, and group activities, this course aims to provide a fun and intellectually stimulating environment in which to survey the dynamic field of political sociology, including: the nature and roles of power, influence, and authority; citizenship, nationalism, the state and nation; the sociology of law; class, the power elite, and political economy; transnational processes, imperialism, and hegemony; social movements and social change; gender; race, culture, and identity politics; and a wide array of other topics that impact our world today. (pdf)
To read Dr. Stokes' other published work, please visit his article archive.
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